Saturday, May 1, 2010

damn "gnats"

I wasnt gonna entertain these lil fuggerz but they have made the news and made it into my personal daily news also! They have bsically taken OVA! so these are the traps we've set and as u can see we have gone to war!!!!! i have been baracaded in the room the only safe place! We kill them off and leave and come back and they have multiplied I know wtf???? using apple cidar vinegar,covered w/foil, punch small holes size of a salt shaker hole! they are attracted to the smell and go inside and get trapped and die! worked but they also lay eggs in their traps sooo needless to say We Foggin the House in the morning!

and soooo everyone i talk to about this has their own "gnat" tales and this is a pic of one splatted on the tv bcoz they louv light and the electric energy from the tv a pc's ... bastards so place close attention to the sleeve! sucka!

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