as I STAND as a recovered abused victim of domestic Violence, suffering broken ribs, cracked tooth, and my lip almost bitten off! We sometimes don't Remove ourselves from situations until we've had enough! "lust is Blind, not Love", we just loosely use the word {LOVE}. Unfortunately, people have different meanings of {LOVE} but the only {LOVE } I know is the {LOVE} of GOD. So just because he/she says that he/she {LOVES} you, know that {LOVE} is not a feeling {LOVE} is an action, a way of life. {LOVERS} don't abuse you, they have not matured into the realm of {LOVE}! They may care for you a great deal, but {LOVE} you, they do not! I thank God for the courage and the strength to STAND UP to my abuser! (im just gonna say this... I bet he won't mess with me no more hmph!) AMEN!
Sometimes families don't want to get involved because they say " your not gonna do nothing but go right back".... and that may be true. But sometimes us, as the victims run back because we say "the good outweighs the bad" and we look to feel that void that our abusers gave us on the "good days". So I say this to the abused in recovery and prayerfully on their way to recovery..... find a support group in ur community, others that can relate to your issues, who have felt the pain, emotionally and physically! You are not alone, don't be embarressed.
But if you don't feel comfortable right off to do that, go to your protector who is ALWAYS your present help in need, our ALMIGHTY GOD, our savior!
( I pray right now for the abused, to be filled with the Holy Spirit! That you may have strength and courage to remove yourselves from any unGodly relationships! I pray for the abusers to also be filled with the Holy Spirit, that they may loose all unrighteousness! To also decern where this anger and rage as uprooted from, and send it back to the pit of Hell where it belongs! I pray for a renewed spirit, and born again souls... I pray all these things in the Mighty and righteous name of Jesus Christ! AMEN!) My prayers go out to recover us all! My Heart still hurts, but my soul is renewed AMEN!

"He was definitely my first big love," RiRi told Sawyer. "The more in love we became, the more dangerous we became for each other." The incident resulted in the couple's seemingly fairytale relationship being shattered and Brown being sentenced to community labor, five years of probation and one year of domestic-violence counseling. Wringley’s Gum, dropped Chris Brown due to the abuse allegations as well directly after the findings.
For the first time, Rihanna tells her story on GMA thurs. Nov. 5, & Friday, Nov. 6, 2009 on 20/20. In an exclusive interview,the Beautiful Fashionista, trendsetter, music superstar Rihanna sits down with Diane Sawyer revealing publicly what happened last February with singer and ex-boyfriend Chris Brown.
As Rihanna looks back over this tragedy, she reflects over the positive, and sees things in a new Light! She understands that she is a role-model for lil girls, and Woman all over the world! And just as much as us, her fans loves her, she loves her fans back! So as she begin to take her personal desires out of the picture, and look at this in 3rd person. Rihanna realized, since this wasn't the first, second, or third incident, that it was best to Leave Chris and the love behind her! I Encourage my sistah to keep her faith in God and this too shall pass,AMEN!
Rihanna is Strongly FIERCE and Wonderfully made, she is now workin on her new albulm which will be available right before Thanksgiving....11-23-09 out her new single "Russian Roulette"